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Andrea Polverini
Sep 10, 20243 min read
Beyond Grammar and Vocabulary: Understanding Real-World Language Challenges
Introduction: When people think about learning a new language, their minds often go straight to mastering grammar, expanding vocabulary,...

Andrea Polverini
Aug 23, 20243 min read
Parlare Lentamente ti Rende Meno Fluente? Il Punto di Vista di un Language Coach
Introduzione Parlare velocemente ti rende fluente in una lingua? È una credenza comune tra chi apprende una lingua che la fluidità sia...

Andrea Polverini
Aug 21, 20243 min read
Does Speaking Slowly Make You Less Fluent? A Language Coach’s Perspective
Introduction Does speaking fast make you fluent in a language? It’s a common belief among language learners that fluency is tied to...
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